Why Us

WHY YOU SHOULD CONSIDER Clinica De Fertilidad y Medicina Reproductiva Angeles ( FERTILITE)

Emotional Aspects/Concerns about the couple.

We have great concern and understanding for you and your spouse’s emotional needs. We try to give you as much support as we can during the ups and downs of the infertility roller-coaster. We do it in a friendly and supportive manner. The cheerful atmosphere in our clinic should help ease your anxiety.

Many of the emotional aspects of infertility may be controlled with a little basic human kindness and care. Our understanding of the emotional aspects of infertility led us put in place a support system where you may find answers from our staff about financial concerns, testing and protocol discussions. We know when a situation is uncomfortable. We can help prevent those that are unnecessary and help you through those situations or discussions that simply must take place.

Additionally, infertility can put a strain on marriages. This web site isn’t the time or place to expand on that, but if you need help, we can recommend where to obtain professional counseling. They are very familiar with the roller-coaster ride of therapy and its impact on a marriage.

Volume of Patients

It is well understood that the size of an ART practice does not influence its success rates. However, the bigger the practice the less personal the relationship can be with the infertility team. At FERTILITE we have a volume of patients that provides us experience with many different infertility procedures, but not that big that make them feel like a number. Often, patients tell us that they know us better than they know their primary care physician that they have been seeing for several years. We simply make the time to get to know our patients - professionally, personally, clinically, and emotionally.

The One-Stop Concept

You do not need to go to different places in town to get all the services you need for you to have a baby. Everything is conveniently located under the same roof to avoid further inconvenience and discomfort for you and your partner.

National proficiency testing program
Participant of national proficiency testing programs. Our Andrology, Embryology, and Endocrinology Laboratories are enrolled in proficiency testing programs at the national level. Our proficiency testing program gives you further assurance that our standards of care at the laboratory level are scrutinized by agencies properly certified.

Certifications and Accreditations

Under the guidance of our quality assurance program, we are constantly under pressure to attain the highest standards of excellence. Therefore we have joined the select group of institutions that have attained certification and accreditation status after detailed inspection of different national and international experts. Our Laboratory Director is a laboratory inspector for the College of Pathologists (CAP). In addition, our personnel are members of different medical and professional societies. (See our Staff page for further information).

Range of services provided

Virtually ALL services provided in different places by other institutions are concentrated in our facility. Rarely will you have to go somewhere else to receive treatment associated with infertility. Even for services that we do not provide ourselves, we do the specimen collection and send it out for you. You do not need to go anywhere else because we are a full service, office-based center.

Additionally, we provide the most advanced services. If you are in need of more sophisticated services than what is currently attempted, there is no need to start over with another facility. We provide a complete line of therapy.

Availability and coverage

Once you are enrolled in our program you can rest assured that we will make ourselves available to give you adequate treatment when you need it. You have coverage essentially 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Furthermore, our center does not have an extensive waiting list. Some centers use a waiting list for patients less likely to conceive, hoping their pregnancy rates will increase as these patients get frustrated and leave. We don’t play that game.

Team Approach

Your infertility treatment involves so many disciplines that it would be impossible for a person to have enough knowledge and be able to be in charge of all steps involved. We have a diverse group of individuals ready to assist you with all your needs. Friendly and helpful receptionists, concerned individuals to orient you with all your medical and economic concerns, supportive and caring nursing staff along with very competent and highly motivated physicians and laboratory personnel.

Level of Expertise

The Physician directly in charge of the infertile couple should be an infertility specialist with proven experience and training in gynecology, infertility and reproductive surgery. The American Society of Reproductive Medicine recommends that such physicians should perform a minimum of 20 follicular recruitment cycles yearly. In addition, it is desirable that your health care provider should be able to treat tubal obstructions, endometriosis, uterine abnormalities and other reproductive organ disorders which require surgical repair and use of laparoscopic and microsurgery techniques.

The Laboratory Director directing the Embryology, Andrology, and Endocrinology should have a medical or doctorate degree in biological science. In addition he/she should be properly certified as a High Complexity Laboratory Director and should have experience and expertise in embryo manipulation, cryobiology, tissue culture and sterile techniques, with the ability and knowledge to relate and communicate adequately with the physician regarding findings associated with patients endocrine profiles, eggs, sperm or embryos to ensure the best possible outcome for the infertile patient.

The nursing and laboratory staff should have knowledge of all procedures assigned to them. The nursing staff should be able to establish adequate communication channels between the patients, medical, and laboratory staff, to make sure that all steps in a cycle are conducted as programmed.

We are proud to announce that the staff at FERTILITE meets or exceeds all the above recommendations.

How to select your infertility team

Although good pregnancy rates and reasonable prices are very important, the selection of your infertility team goes far beyond investigating the success rates and prices for select fertility centers. Level of expertise and educational background, team approach, availability/coverage, services provided, concern and understanding for you and your spouse’s emotional needs, certifications, participant of national proficiency testing, centrally located facilities, and yes, the success rate for the clinic, are some of the aspects in which you need to pay attention. The following grid provides insight into important topics to consider:

You should feel comfortable and at ease with the infertility team!

Our patients are made to feel like guests in our home. All areas of the office take part in emotionally nourishing the infertile patients and going to any length to answer all questions, allay all fears and share with them their joys and disappointments.

If you would like to obtain more information, speak with us, or to schedule an appointment please do not hesitate to call us at 1-(619) 619-5656013 (this is a San Diego number), or directly to our Tijuana office 011-52-(664) 635-1854, 011-52-(664)-635-1821.