Dra. Nora Liz Molina Vélez

Dra. Nora Liz Molina Medical Velez Surgeon Ced. Prof. 701809 U.M.S.N.H. Reg. S.S.A. 89171

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I thank for its confidence and Preference; have the security which you would seran taken care of with professionalism, ethics, considereacion and human calidez. Integral handling of Diseases in Men Women and Children *Diabetes * Cholesterol *Problemas of the Menopause Arterial *Obesidad *Hipertension *Embarazo *Faringitis, Allergies * Ulcers Gastric *Micosis (fungi) *Colitis -

Consultation a Delineated of Eyebrows, Parapados and Labios. Also I make its available to help them to find one better evaluation and economic budget with specialistic doctors, in case of requiring general surgery, plastic and reconstructiva surgery, gynecology, traumatologia, pediatria, neurology, internal medicine, urologia, etc.

Makes my university studies in the Michoacana University of San Nicholas Hidalgo, of 1973 - 1978 in Morelia, Michoacan, Boarding school of Pregrado: General hospital “Dr Miguel Silva” in Morelia, Michoacan. Of 1979-1980 Social Service: Coordinated services Center of Health in Bolonchen de Herrejon, Logwood and Center of Health the Gilded one, Sinaloa. Of 1980-1981 Studies Normal Superior. Inst. of Improvement Professional for Teachers in good condition, in Morelia, Mich of 1975-1978. Hospital of Spanish Beneficence: Familiar doctor of February to Julio of 2002 in Veracruz, Veracruz. Unit Medicine Familira I.S.S.S.T.E.: Familira doctor from September of 2001 in Tecate, B.C to date ISSSTECALI: General doctor from 2 of Julio 2001 in Tecate. B.C to date. “Clinical Morelia: Doctor Cirujano and Partero; and Founder from 1982.